So Grad School started two weeks ago today. How has it been you ask? CRAZY! I am only taking one class but the work load is ridiculous! Each chapter is 40+ pages long and then we have to write a 4 page paper on it. We have a paper due every Tuesday. On top of other things. When I got my hands on the syllabus I almost fell out of my chair. I am pretty sure my blood pressure sky rocketed. I am always so exhausted when I get home from work, I can't imagine having all of this to do on top of that. Come December I am sure I will have twice as many grey hairs and ginormous bags under my eyes!
Because our first paper isn't due until Septemeber 6th, I thought for sure I would be able to get a week ahead....WRONG! I just finished the reading for Chapter 1 and will be starting the paper tonight. If I can some how, some way, get the paper finished by tomorrow, there is a slight chance to get ahead. I'm not betting on it!!!
I say all of this in a venting mode, as I am certain that I will be able to handle it. The trick is to figure out a schedule that works best for me so that I am not overwhelmed each week. I need to have a routine reading schedule and a routine writing schedule.
Proud Mama
So I haven't updated you in a while about the Go Reality Show. It has been so much fun! I have thoroughly enjoyed working with all of them and I am truly honored to get to work along side the Legend, Jim Garman and the Legend, Zach Schabot! They have completed a scavenger hunt, facebook challenges, subscriber challenges, and blogging challeneges. All of this on top of having class 4 days a week.
Today was the day that they had to take their class test. I was nervous all morning because I just wanted them all to pass. I felt kind of maternal towards them. For the past three weeks they have worked SO hard toward this first test. If they don't pass this test they can't take the State test. It was a crucial milestone.
And so all morning I waited patiently [not really]. I was so nervous because I felt so attached to them. One by one we heard from them and all I am going to say is that I am one Proud Mama. GOOD JOB KIDDIES!!!!! :)
Today was the day that they had to take their class test. I was nervous all morning because I just wanted them all to pass. I felt kind of maternal towards them. For the past three weeks they have worked SO hard toward this first test. If they don't pass this test they can't take the State test. It was a crucial milestone.
And so all morning I waited patiently [not really]. I was so nervous because I felt so attached to them. One by one we heard from them and all I am going to say is that I am one Proud Mama. GOOD JOB KIDDIES!!!!! :)
To Charge? Or Not To Charge?
So as you already know, I am so excited about the Go Reality Show. Up to this point, I have played a tiny behind the scenes role. I have been apart of the props department, the auditing department, a body double for Zach [so funny, I know], and a camer(wo)man. Along with all of this I have also been a reality show consultant for Jim and Zach. Their knowledge of reality shows wasn't as great as mine. I must admit I knew that watching all of my trash TV would come in handy one day [not really]. And now I have a reason to watch. From this point on I will no longer feel guilty about it because technically I am doing research! :)
But all of this makes me beg the question..."Should I be charging for my consulting?" I mean time is money and I give them a lot of my time. HAHAHA I am totally kidding but I was joking around with Zach today that I might start! It was so funny because our consulting session/pow wow this afternoon took place in the back room. The three of us were sitting Indian style in between the copier and the fridge. I wish someone would have taken a picture because I know it looked ridiculously awkward and funny.
On a more serious note, I really enjoy being apart of this project and I am so proud of everything that we [Jim and Zach] have accomplished in such a short period of time.
Again if you aren't following the show go subscribe:
But all of this makes me beg the question..."Should I be charging for my consulting?" I mean time is money and I give them a lot of my time. HAHAHA I am totally kidding but I was joking around with Zach today that I might start! It was so funny because our consulting session/pow wow this afternoon took place in the back room. The three of us were sitting Indian style in between the copier and the fridge. I wish someone would have taken a picture because I know it looked ridiculously awkward and funny.
On a more serious note, I really enjoy being apart of this project and I am so proud of everything that we [Jim and Zach] have accomplished in such a short period of time.
Again if you aren't following the show go subscribe:
Go Realty
As you are walking towards Go Cary, you may catch a glimpse of a sign that reads "Not your grandfather's real estate company." Never have I believed that more than now. Or you could find Jim in the window! He was trying to figure out a good intro for the Go Reality Show. Only he could fit in the window ledge! But back to my point!
Someone said to me not too long ago, "Just wait, in 6 months you will be driving a BMW, wearing clothes that look like they have been painted on, and I will be able to smell you a mile away." I understood what he meant because most real estate agents are all show! But, I was slightly offended by this becasue the mere thought of me conforming to anything to fit in was depressing. I don't want them to like me simply because my dress label says the new hot designer. Honestly, I want people to like me for me! I want them to like me because I am silly and enjoy riding kids toys like this Big Wheel!
Before coming to Go Realty, I had worked at a RE/MAX in which it was cold and non-welcoming. The people didn't wear clothes that were painted on but they were still quite flashy. It just isn't my type of place. I want to walk in and have people greet me with the biggest smiles and the loudest Welcome! Like RE/MAX and most other real estate offices, you have to be so proper. Just this past Friday I went to pick up a check for one of our closings, I walked in and felt like I was walking in to meet President Obama or maybe Teresa Guidice from The Real Housewives of New Jersey! I mean there was gold plated stuff everywhere. You know that feeling when you walk in somewhere and you feel so out of place...Like you can't touch anything? Yeah thats how I felt. And of course it didn't help that I was wearing sandals and blue jeans.

When you come to Go Realty, you feel at home. I can promise you won't find gold-plated anything or self-promoting pictures. We are all about innovation, comfort, magic, and our clients. We greet everyone with a big smile and a loud "WELCOME TO GO!" People are constantly confusing us for the Starbucks next door because we are that warm and inviting. We want to be memorable and the best way to me unforgettable is to be us! I am so happy and proud to be apart of the Go Team. Want to know more about us check out our Culture Book!
So I found myself yesterday a little scatter brained. My brain was all over the place. I couldn't focus on anything and, the fact that I was sleep deprived didn't help. I felt like Zach! I started thinking, man is this what I am going to be like once Grad School starts next week?? Yes that's what I said, grad school. Starting next week I will be a full time angel and a full time graduate student. How am I going to pull that off you ask?? I think we all will find out together.
I was so excited when I got into Grad School. It was such a trying process and such an accomplishment. Slowly but surely the excitement has dwindled away and the anxiety is building. I am scared of what my life is going to turn into. Moreover, am I even going to have a life? Probably not!
The textbook is on its way so....Let the fun begin!
I was so excited when I got into Grad School. It was such a trying process and such an accomplishment. Slowly but surely the excitement has dwindled away and the anxiety is building. I am scared of what my life is going to turn into. Moreover, am I even going to have a life? Probably not!
The textbook is on its way so....Let the fun begin!
So, before I took this job I thought of myself as one with a good sense of direction. I am seriously starting to question this now. I can't count on my fingers and toes how many times I have gotten lost in the short period of 2 1/2 months. I really just don't understand. I Yahoo-Map the directions and yet I still end up lost. I mean, one day I ended up in B.F.E. I was supposed to be close to Downtown Raleigh and I was in Youngsville!! For anyone not familar with the area, like me apparently, that is in complete opposite directions. 30 minutes in the wrong direction to be exact! I was so ill and cussing like a sailor. My mom was on the phone laughing at me because apparently me lost is comical! [not for me] I would say that is probably the worst thus far.
But just today, I followed the directions and turned around twice just to find the road I was supposed to turn on off of Capital. Want to know why? Because there is a median and you can't "Turn Right on Dennis." Actually, you can't turn right or left!!!! I mean these things should be in the directions. Yahoo Maps should know this!! They should know that you have to turn right on Fenton, then turn Right on some other street and then you are at Dennis. I mean really???? Yahoo-Maps must think I have all the time in the world to get lost in Raleigh. Needless to say what should have been a 20 minute trip turned into a 50 minute trip.
After this morning's "adventure" I am now wondering if it is me? Or is it that the directions are useless. I mean honestly I would have been better off leaving my house and playing a guessing game. "I think I will turn Left here." "I think I will turn Right here."
But just today, I followed the directions and turned around twice just to find the road I was supposed to turn on off of Capital. Want to know why? Because there is a median and you can't "Turn Right on Dennis." Actually, you can't turn right or left!!!! I mean these things should be in the directions. Yahoo Maps should know this!! They should know that you have to turn right on Fenton, then turn Right on some other street and then you are at Dennis. I mean really???? Yahoo-Maps must think I have all the time in the world to get lost in Raleigh. Needless to say what should have been a 20 minute trip turned into a 50 minute trip.
After this morning's "adventure" I am now wondering if it is me? Or is it that the directions are useless. I mean honestly I would have been better off leaving my house and playing a guessing game. "I think I will turn Left here." "I think I will turn Right here."
BREAKING NEWS here at Angel Confessions!
This just in, your girl has been upgraded to Camera(wo)man #2!!! This afternoon, I will be filming the Go Reality Show Contestants!!! I am BEYOND excited about this!!!!
This just in, your girl has been upgraded to Camera(wo)man #2!!! This afternoon, I will be filming the Go Reality Show Contestants!!! I am BEYOND excited about this!!!!
Me? Not Me?
So this Go Reality Show is still rocking and rolling. The first episode aired this Monday. If you haven't seen it, go watch it! It is AWESOME!!!!
So this morning filming started for the results show. Zach couldn't be here right at 9 so someone needed to fill in for him. So JG says "Candace, come be Zach." What?!?! Not me. He was serious so, I sat in Zach's chair and pretended to be him. It was hilarious and so much fun!
So this morning filming started for the results show. Zach couldn't be here right at 9 so someone needed to fill in for him. So JG says "Candace, come be Zach." What?!?! Not me. He was serious so, I sat in Zach's chair and pretended to be him. It was hilarious and so much fun!
Can't Touch This....
So a while back Zach learned of my fear of spiders, snakes, rodents, etc. From this he got this GREAT [sarcastic] idea of making me go in a crawl space. His first attempt was last Monday. Boy did I dodge a bullet. Someone stole a couple of watches out of his car so he was extremely late getting to the inspection. Wheeew. I mean I hate they stole his watches but, I really didn't want to go under a house in a world of spiders, bugs, and grossness [not a word, I know]. Well I got a big surprise on Friday morning. Zach comes in and asks me "Are you ready for an adventure?" Meanwhile he has this devilish grin on his face. I was immediately scared to death.
Surprise! Surprise! The adventure was to go in a crawl space. Mind you, I had on my best fitting jeans and high heels because Happy Hour was that afternoon. I just was not prepared for this. Actually, how do you prepare for something like this? I guess with a hazmat suit! I kept thinking of ways to sneak home and change clothes or at least get some different shoes! When I heard the words "Zach lets go grab lunch," it was music to my ears. This was my one shot to jet home and change. As soon as Zach walked out the door, I ran to my car. I get home and within 3 minutes my phone is ringing...Guess Who??? ZACH!!! I said SHIT! I have been caught! :) He said "Candace, did you go home to change clothes?!!?" I said "No....but is it okay if I came to get some tennis shoes?" He just laughed.
Well we get to the house. My head and stomach are just not feeling so great. They open the crawl space door and one by one we crawled in. I literally didn't move once inside. I was about 2 inches from the door in case something were to start coming in my direction. And I am pretty sure that I did not breathe for about 7 minutes. I really wanted to take a picture for you guys as proof but, I was too scared to move. Zach said that my face, while I was in there, was priceless. I'm sure it was because anyone that knows me, knows that my face says it all!
As soon as I got out, I breathed a sigh of relief! I really just did that?!?! I DID!!! And all of a sudden I had this huge rush of feeling like I was going to barf! Between the heat, holding my breath, the smell, the seemed only natural. We get in the car and Zach says "So you did it, what did you think?" My response [with a horrible face] "I seriously think I am about to barf, lets not talk."
All in all, I guess it could have been worse. I mean a snake, rat, etc. could have been in there waiting for me, in which I would have peed my pants. I would not suggest anyone ever doing this unless you like spiders, horrible smells, being in close quarters with others [people and rodents]. It is not fun.
I must admit though, after doing this, I feel like I can do anything. Who wants to go skydiving?!?! [totally kidding]
Surprise! Surprise! The adventure was to go in a crawl space. Mind you, I had on my best fitting jeans and high heels because Happy Hour was that afternoon. I just was not prepared for this. Actually, how do you prepare for something like this? I guess with a hazmat suit! I kept thinking of ways to sneak home and change clothes or at least get some different shoes! When I heard the words "Zach lets go grab lunch," it was music to my ears. This was my one shot to jet home and change. As soon as Zach walked out the door, I ran to my car. I get home and within 3 minutes my phone is ringing...Guess Who??? ZACH!!! I said SHIT! I have been caught! :) He said "Candace, did you go home to change clothes?!!?" I said "No....but is it okay if I came to get some tennis shoes?" He just laughed.
Well we get to the house. My head and stomach are just not feeling so great. They open the crawl space door and one by one we crawled in. I literally didn't move once inside. I was about 2 inches from the door in case something were to start coming in my direction. And I am pretty sure that I did not breathe for about 7 minutes. I really wanted to take a picture for you guys as proof but, I was too scared to move. Zach said that my face, while I was in there, was priceless. I'm sure it was because anyone that knows me, knows that my face says it all!
As soon as I got out, I breathed a sigh of relief! I really just did that?!?! I DID!!! And all of a sudden I had this huge rush of feeling like I was going to barf! Between the heat, holding my breath, the smell, the seemed only natural. We get in the car and Zach says "So you did it, what did you think?" My response [with a horrible face] "I seriously think I am about to barf, lets not talk."
All in all, I guess it could have been worse. I mean a snake, rat, etc. could have been in there waiting for me, in which I would have peed my pants. I would not suggest anyone ever doing this unless you like spiders, horrible smells, being in close quarters with others [people and rodents]. It is not fun.
I must admit though, after doing this, I feel like I can do anything. Who wants to go skydiving?!?! [totally kidding]
Hello August
August is set to be a big, I mean HUGE, month for Zach and I. Currently we have 5 closing set for August and two offers in negotiations with August closing dates. HOLY BATMAN!!! That is 7 closings in ONE month. That is crazy good!!!! In honor of the great luck August is bringing Zach and I, I decided to have a little fun with the letters of AUGUST.
A - awesome
U - unstoppable
G - gnarly
U - unbelievable
S - stuntin'
T - totally EPIC
A - awesome
U - unstoppable
G - gnarly
U - unbelievable
S - stuntin'
T - totally EPIC
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