
twenty seven.

Sooo, I have been Twenty Seven for a total of 27 days.  Let me tell you something, 27 has already been crazy good!  I mean CRAZY good!

As most of you know on October 19th, I said yes to spending the rest of my life with the most amazing man.  I CAN NOT wait to be Mrs. Soto.  It makes me giggle just typing it.  He is so supportive and encouraging.  He loves me despite my "terrible" sports teams and my addiction to trashy reality TV.  I hope to one day make him as happy as he makes me.  I love you, handsome!  XoXo

What some of you may not know is, I have been studying for a test to become a teacher.  On November 1st, I passed said test.  When I say that I was excited, I was!  I sat in my car and cried from being so happy.  On a side note, ever since I became an engaged woman, I have become even more emotional.  For warning to all of you! :P

On November 7th, I accepted a position to teach 4th grade.  I am so ready to start my career change.  I know that it is going to be a challenge and I am so ready.  I just hope my kids are smaller than me. ;)

None of this would be possible with out the help of a few people: Fernando, Mom, Jackie, Tiffany, Kristi, and Zach.  I can't Thank You all enough for your help and support.  I love you all! :)

I have started a new blog, Diary of the Tiny Teacher, that will chronicle my journey as a new teacher. Go subscribe!  Like now! :)

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